One for the Mind, Two for the Eye and Seven (plus or minus two) for the world, 2009–2010.One_for_the_Mind,_Two_for_the_Eye_and_Seven_%28plus_or_minus_two%29_for_the_world.html
Arctic Drawings – The True Artist Helps the World by Revealing Mystic Truths (after Nauman), 2009.Arctic_Drawings.html
Love Forbids Us To Love, 2007–8.Love_forbids_us_to_love.html
Pyraminden (Пирамида) – Population 3,  2009.Pyraminden.html
Moon Drawings,  2008Mooon_Drawings.html
Blue Paintings, 2011Blue_Paintings.html
Grey Paintings, 2011Grey_Paintings.html
The Battle of Belchite (1937) [ bel SH it ], revisited in 27 euro–colours and 17 euro-dots per inch, 2011Belchite.html
Match Point (quasi): the subject, the ball, the object and the world, 2012JBT.html
JBT, 2012Animal_Sculptures.html
Untitled [trees] , 2014Untitled_%5BTrees%5D.html
River Wear, 2015Wear.html
Match Point (Quasi): The Subject, The Ball, The Object and The World, 2012Match_Point.html
Black Box [The Gift]: On Form and Function, 2018Black_Box.html
Yield Lives: On Agriculture and Technology,
Wii, the We in the i, 2020 - 2021The_We_in_the_i.html